Acronym Quiz

We’ve all been there before.

You’re talking to your PPC strategist. They’re explaining why conversions on your site increased 10% this month. They just said a sentence. You’re pretty sure it was in English, but you wouldn’t necessarily bet your life on that fact.

Every profession has its own particular vocabulary. For marketers, acronyms are a necessary evil—if we had to take the time to say “Search Engine Optimization”, and not just “SEO”, we’d never have time to do any actual work!

But that introduces a “Lost in Translation” situation, especially when your industry uses the same acronym for different purposes. At Charles River Interactive, we take our role as valued consultants seriously. To that end, we prepared a quick quiz to help ensure we are always on the same page with our clients.

That’s right, it’s quiz time!

Click below to get started. And remember – knowing the vocabulary is only the first step. For some more context about the metrics that are important to you, reach out to us. Let’s have a conversation!